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CJ/T 3060-1996 潜水轴流泵

时间:2024-04-29 10:30:46 来源: 标准资料网 作者:标准资料网 阅读:8056
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英文名称:Submersible axial-flow pump
中标分类: 机械 >> 通用机械与设备 >> 泵







GB 191-90 包装储运图示标志
GB 755-87 旋转电机基本技术要求
GB/T 1176-87 铸造铜合金技术条件
GB 122 0-92 不锈钢棒
GB 2828-87 逐批检查计数抽样程序及抽样表(适用于连续批量的检查)
GB 3216-89 离心泵、混流泵、轴流泵和旋涡泵试验方法
GB 4942.1-85 电机、外壳防护等级
GB 5013.2-85额定电压450/750V 及以下橡皮绝缘软电缆第二部分:通用橡套软电缆
GB 7021-86 离心泵名词术语
GB 9112-88 钢制法兰管类型
GB 9239 -88 刚性转子平衡品质许用不平衡的确定
GB 9439 -88 灰铸铁件
GB/T 12785-91 潜水电泵试验方法
GB/T 13008-91 混流泵、轴流泵技术条件
GB/T 13306-91 标牌
GB/T 13384-92 机电产品包装通用技术条件
CJ 18-86 污水排入城市下水道水质标准
CJ/T 3038-1995 潜水排污泵
JB 5274-91 Y系列(IP44)三相异步电动机技术条件(机座号355)
JB/Z 294-87 交流低压电机散嵌绕组匝间绝缘试验方法
JB/Z 346-89 交流低压电机散嵌绕组匝间绝缘试验限值
ZB K 22007-88 Y系列(IP44)三相异步电动机技术条件(机座号80--315)

所属分类: 机械 通用机械与设备 泵
Product Code:SAE J1453/1
Title:Specification for O-Ring Face Seal Connectors: Part 1 - Tube Connection Details and Common Requirements for Performance and Tests
Issuing Committee:Hydraulic Tube Fittings Committee
Scope: 1.1PurposeThe three parts of SAE J1453 cover material, dimensional, and performance requirements of steel O-ring face seal (ORFS) connectors for tubing and the O-ring face seal interface and nut portion of hose stem assemblies for nominal tube diameters of 6 mm through 50 mm.1.2Field of ApplicationThese connectors are intended for general application and hydraulic systems on industrial equipment and commercial products, where elastomeric seals are acceptable to overcome leakage and variations in assembly procedures. These connectors are capable of providing leak proof full flow connections in hydraulic systems operating from 95 kPa vacuum to the working pressures shown in Tables 1 and 2. Since many factors influence the pressure at which a hydraulic system will or will not perform satisfactorily, these values should not be construed as guaranteed minimums. For any application, it is recommended that sufficient testing be conducted and reviewed by both the user and manufacturer to ensure that required performance levels are met.For use of these connectors in conditions outside the pressure and temperature limits specified, the manufacturers must be consulted.Both metric and inch tubing can be accommodated by changing only the sleeve to match the tube diameters. In the past, these connectors have been used predominantly with inch tubing. For new designs, the use of metric tubing should be considered.
Rationale: 1.1PurposeThe three parts of SAE J1453 cover material, dimensional, and performance requirements of steel O-ring face seal (ORFS) connectors for tubing and the O-ring face seal interface and nut portion of hose stem assemblies for nominal tube diameters of 6 mm through 50 mm.1.2Field of ApplicationThese connectors are intended for general application and hydraulic systems on industrial equipment and commercial products, where elastomeric seals are acceptable to overcome leakage and variations in assembly procedures. These connectors are capable of providing leak proof full flow connections in hydraulic systems operating from 95 kPa vacuum to the working pressures shown in Tables 1 and 2. Since many factors influence the pressure at which a hydraulic system will or will not perform satisfactorily, these values should not be construed as guaranteed minimums. For any application, it is recommended that sufficient testing be conducted and reviewed by both the user and manufacturer to ensure that required performance levels are met.For use of these connectors in conditions outside the pressure and temperature limits specified, the manufacturers must be consulted.Both metric and inch tubing can be accommodated by changing only the sleeve to match the tube diameters. In the past, these connectors have been used predominantly with inch tubing. For new designs, the use of metric tubing should be considered.【英文标准名称】:StandardTestMethodforLaboratoryMiniatureVaneShearTestforSaturatedFine-GrainedClayeySoil